Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thing #7 Google Tools

I don't see myself using Google alerts. It just is too specific and I really do not have any particular concept that I am attached to enough to want regular updates. I think I am more of a generalist and will stick to and other major websites to get the news I am interested in. The calendar could be useful if I had kids with busy schedules to put on the "Family calendar" or perhaps I could use it in the fall to help plan projects, tests and quizzes on a forum my parents could easily access.

The two applications I have played the most on and enjoy are Google Scholar and Google Earth. I love checking in on the geography of a region we are discussing. Also, at the middle school level, many students have the false belief that people in other countries are really different than U.S. citizens. Getting to zoom to street level allows them to see people in street clothes, malls, cars and other everyday things. It can also be fun though to zoom to rural settings and see their reactions.

Google scholar is a great application for the classroom. I used it frequently while completing my master's degree. I like that it can be used on research projects for the students. It is a great filter for where they are getting information from. Not to mention that since it is "google" some students think it is "cooler" than other scholarly filters and online libraries.

1 comment:

atxteacher said...

I didn't like Scholar very much, but haven't tried Earth. Your description made it sound interesting, so I'll have to go back and try it. Thanks for the info!