Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #17 Rollyo
Honesty is always the best policy and so I must say, I really do not like this concept. Maybe it was the fifteen times I had to go in and enter my information because I had not completely logged in, written something incorrectly or not made my search public or what not. In retrospect this is a user friendly site, but it needs a step by step guide. (thanks go out to Bruce's 23 thing project for saving me from complete abandonment) Having said that, I do see using this in other classroom environments. My class (foreign language) is just not a place that I see a lot of research happening. Thus, i do not see creating and implementing a search engine of this type. So, I went for personal glory and instant gratification and created my search for my Right now I want to go see my sister (who lives in Italy) so the sites this accesses are all related to European vacations, tips for travel and must see/do places for your to-do list. So, if you need this information, are planning a trip or are like me and just like to drool over travel opportunities, search on...

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