Monday, August 4, 2008

Thing #9 Useful library related blogs

The RSS feed icon is by far the easiest method for finding an RSS feed. I am a visual person and I key into bright simple icons and this is perfect! It is not an embedded word or link or confusing techno-phrase, it is just an image. Bingo!
The is my favorite search method because it limits my search to media and news sites. I (being slightly old-school) am not a big fan of weblogs as sources of credible information, so I like having them pre-weeded out for me. was the hardest to use for me simply because there were so many options! I also found it hard to limit what I was looking for. Maybe I missed something, but it just wasnt the easiest to navigate and wire down!
There are some really useful feeds out there! I found several blogs on the housing market and how finances are changing which is great for me since my boyfriend is searching for a house and we are totally confused about how to go about financing! Also, I am working on my school loans right now and can use all the advice I can get. Unusual, (although in retrospect I should not have been at all surprised) were the sheer number of blogs about "celebrities". Do I really care when they go on vacation??
Finally, google has a great search tool for blogs. I cannot give those guys enough credit, they have their fingers on the pulse of the internet. Anyways, they have a search engine specific to blogs, so when I feel like hearing someone's thoughts, hints or opinions, I can jump on their and blog search.

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